There are many reasons for unwanted hair growth that may include hirsutism, hypertrichosis or you just simply have hair growing in places you wished you didn?t. Many women pluck their eyebrows, shave their underarms and legs, and will also trim or remove pubic hair just to accommodate today?s fashions. For the most part they will treat hair removal as part of their cosmetic routine.
Most men shave their facial hair unless they are purposely growing a moustache, goatee or beard. There are also men who shave their body hair for various cosmetic reasons. Athletes such as body builders and swimmers will also use hair removal methods in order to enhance their appearance, or performance. There are also medical reasons for getting rid of unwanted hair as well as the reason of personal preference.
If you are considering removing unwanted hair then the good news is that there are a number of hair removal options that are available today. Essentially there are basically two categories of hair removal procedures: Permanent Hair Removal Techniques, and Temporary Hair Removal Techniques.
Permanent Hair Removal
Permanent hair removal procedures seek to eliminate unwanted hair in such a way that it never returns. At times they may be successful but there are instances where this technique turns out to be semi-permanent and they may have to be repeated again over time. Individuals who seek out permanent hair removal methods will mostly likely receive treatment from a hair removal specialist or a licensed Esthetician. Examples of common permanent hair removal techniques include:
- Hair Removal Laser Treatments ? this procedure is a relatively painless method for hair removal. This treatment has been approved by the FDA and should only be performed by a trained and licensed professional. The hair follicles are destroyed using a small laser beam and results work best on individuals with light colored skin and dark hair. It is not recommended on deeply tanned people. The overall costs to remove facial hair with lasers can run you around $1,000, while removal of hair from pubic areas or legs can costs anywhere from $2,000 - $3,000.
- Photo Pulsed/Epilation Laser ? this method is similar to laser treatment and is also an FDA approved procedure. It uses a pulsed light beam to eliminate the hair follicles. There are no restrictions in regards to tanning, skin or hair color. It is commonly used to remove hair from the bikini areas as well as underarms. General costs can range between $500 and $2,000 and depend largely on the body area being treated.
- Electrolysis ? is another relatively painless process which can result in minor side effects that may include infection and scaring. This method will treat every hair follicle on an individual basis. During this procedure a needle is injected directly into the hair follicle and then it is exposed to an electric charge. This process can take months and is largely dependent upon the size of the area that is undergoing the treatment. If you are considering this type of treatment then costs may run you as high as $1,000 - $3,000, for pubic or leg areas.
Temporary hair removal techniques are more inclined to work for short periods of time and are subject to the body?s normal hair growth cycle. There are a number of home treatment methods available on the market and some of these techniques can also be performed by a certified Esthetician as well.
The temporary hair removal methods include a number of shaving, plucking, and waxing procedures, as well as hair removal creams and other various exotic procedures.
As you can see the options for removing unwanted body hair are large. The bottom line on choosing a method that is right for you can come down to your budget as well as lifestyle. If you are interested in removing unwanted body hair for sports-related competitions, or cosmetic reasons one should consider laser therapy if they can afford it. These methods are the best for eliminating large areas of body hair.
About the Author
Susan Richards is a professional freelance writer who has conducted extensive research on hair removal methods and treatments. You can find information on a number of topics that include: best hair removal methods, laser hair removal and hair removal products.